Welcome to BrowserBuddy™!
BrowserBuddy™ is an invaluable tool for your Internet Explorer Web Browser.
BB uses technology developed by us - America's Multimedia Online, the makers of Atomic Time Zone, and Never Offline®.
One of BrowserBuddy's most popular features is our "Popless" Technology. Unlike other so-called "internet popup preventors", BrowserBuddy doesn't even let the internet popup load. This means no popup windows consuming your processor, wasting your download bandwidth, or slowing you down. With the other guys - the popups load - and are only then found and closed. With BrowserBuddy - there is no popup, thus why we chose to call our technology "Popless" and why there is no substitute.
Do we even have Competition? Sure, if you consider a half solution a whole solution or the best solution. We are so sure you'll enjoy BrowserBuddy that it is free to use for a full 10 days. BrowserBuddy can actually save you time, and if your time is money, that as well.
All in all, BB is designed to enhance your internet experience and supports Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000 and XP.
That's why BrowserBuddy is helping you online, keeping your children's browser use safe, protecting your privacy - anywhere in the world...and it's doing it with simplicity and style.