I'll tell you why Cable Modems vs DSL.
  02/09/2001 12:00:00 AM MST Albuquerque, Nm
  By Dustin D. Brand; Owner AMO
Cable Fiber vs DSL Copper
  Cable modems and DSL modems for Broadband internet access are going head to head right now in competition. Which technology should you choose?
  Cable internet access comes to you via the same cable TV wire, and once there it is split into the internet data signal. DSL internet access comes to you via your Telephone line and is split at your jack. Cable internet access uses fiber optics, DSL Modems use copper.
  Computer processors are using copper instead of alluminum now. Internet access should come to you via fiber optics now. Copper can technically grow and be able to provide fast internet access, and DSL does, but can copper match Fiber? The answer is no.
  Personally, I know of more DSL internet users that have switched to Cable internet than vice versa. The reason isn't usually the technical advantage, or the speed, but the ease, and comfort of your Cable TV for instance. Unless you're in a small town, you have a Cable company. If you are in a small town, get a broadband wireless 2 way satellite for internet access.
  DSL Hell, is a term that has been used by the very customers of DSL, even the technology writers like myself who have tried and tested the technology. I'd like to call it now DSL Fail. DSL Fail because Cable internet access is AT&T, AOL Time Warner, Comcast, Cox, NTL, and others. Even though technically DSL has a larger potential reach of customers right now, those Cable companies are changing that.
  In my hometown alone, Comcast is spending $100 million dollars to lay fresh fiber optics in the ground to upgrade their Cable service. That money wise is a much larger investment in Cable internet access than DSL in the same town. Technically, DSL on Copper is huge because the major investment is already made, and it can be scaled to higer bandwidths, but how high can it go? Fiber optics is already the link under the sea between the United States and Europe, and the United States and the Pacific region. A huge difference in the bandwidth pipeline if you spend a minute to think about it. That is what fiber is capable of, carrying increasing magnitudes of data, over a single strand of glass. Data travelling in light pulses, not electricity.
  Now you must understand that this Cable Fiber vs DSL Copper will be a huge battle. Most of the smaller Internet providers still use copper. The newer larger ones ALL use Fiber, but it's from the Phone Company, not the Cable Company; keep that in mind.
  It is my professional opinion that DSL is a viable option from your local Phone Company ONLY, and that be it for business or consumer, Fiber optic internet access is the method that will win in the end, within 5 years. Right now you can get either Commerical Cable internet service, or residential Cable internet service running on Fiber. While this might not be available in your area yet, it is something to look into if you can already get DSL.
  The first DSL vs Cable modems article DSL vs Cable Internet Access
  Comcast Cable, Commercial
  Comcast Cable, Residential
  DSL Reports Web Site
  DSL Networks, Inc
  Covad Communications, Inc