Why our Markets are OK compared to Japans

  03/17/2001 6:01:09 AM MST Albuquerque, Nm
  By Dustin D. Brand; Owner AMO

American markets are in a down turn, but compared to the rest of the world, we're doing just fine.
  Ask any economist, and the American Economy is the worlds best, most stable, and most modern. Well the last 2 weeks havn't appeared that way, that is until you take a look at the markets around the rest of the world.

  While this last week, Intel dropped prices by 19%, Compaq Laid off 5,000 full time jobs and Oracle posted warnings on their earnings in the 4th quarter, the Dow lost about 817 points. Each point on the Dow is worth an astounding 400 Million dollars. It's amazing that such an economy can even withstand such drops. Well in Japan, their market can't and here's why.

  The Japanese government, despite many warnings from economists and our Government have failed to take the proper steps to turn their economy, the Worlds second largest economy into a modern economy. A Modern economy being modern in more ways than one including taxes.

  It's no wonder that American Business' have moved at an incredible pace against Japans because our technologies are superior, but it's also no wonder that the Japanese Yen isn't worth 50% what it used to be. The Japanese market is hurting so bad, that steps must be taken soon, or they are facing a completely destabilized economy.

  While here in America we don't face a recession, we are looking at markets that are way down. Our Job growth is up again and consumer spending is as well. Even now, our Markets are much higher than 5 years ago, you simply can't say the same thing about Japan or much of the rest of the world.

  Simply put, have faith in our economy, just remember we're the largest economy in the world, and we're doing much better than the second, Japan.