More on What is IT?
  03/17/2001 6:30:31 AM MST Albuquerque, Nm
  By Dustin D. Brand; Owner AMO
What is IT rumors AGAIN...
Earlier this morning on the Art Bell show, Robert Steensen, an ex reporter for Hard Copy claimed he had uncovered Dean Kamens invention dubbed IT. This article is to dis credit his mis information.
You should read what I think IT is in my first article here...
Robert started by telling Art that he had evidence from a "Secret meeting" which was in the form of a video in which Dean Kamen was showing his invention. First of all, this meeting wasn't secret, especially since held in a conference hall in a Public Hotel. Sometimes people just don't use their Common Sense and are way too gulible.
Dean Kamen has gotten a lot of talk about his secret invention which only a few very powerful people have been shown and told, and then sworn to secrecy. Robert went on to tell Art that the picture of the invention was on Dean Kamens own front page of his corporate web site. This is the second no no to a secret invention, and obviously the picture on the site is Fred. Deans first invention for the handicapped which is a very
incredible wheelchair with extreme mobility which I discussed in my first article. While I love Art Bell and his show, I just can't see how he could buy into this Robert guy and his claims that he uncovered the IT invention when his only proof was an older invention which was posted on Dean Kamens own corporate web site. But people, IT isn't a wheelchair, that's Fred, and Deam Kamen won the American Technological Award from Bill Clinton for that invention, and everybody knows about that. Fred is known, what IT is a completely different invention isn't Fred, it's something else. Read my first article to get an idea of how important it is and what I think IT is.
One thing you can be very sure of is that this invention is still kept secret by some powerful people like Bob Metcalfe, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Steve Jobs. We're not supposed to find out what IT is until 2002, you can be darn sure a picture of it isn't going to be posted on Dean Kamens web site without saying this is IT. Dean Kamens web site is at DEKARESEARCH.COM and here you can see Fred the wheelchair Dean won the award for. (again, this isn't "IT").
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