SkyCar, yes it flys and hovers.
  04/23/2001 12:35:29 AM MDT Albuquerque, Nm
  By Dustin D. Brand; Owner AMO
I said by the year 2000, and boy was I right...literally in more ways than one.
  I must've been 5 or 6 years old---Who knows what did it, but I was predicting things in the future that early. Ask my Mom or Dad, I was much more than your "normal" child. I said to my mom while we were in a Grocery store at the checkout counter, as if out of the blue... We're going to have flying cars by the year 2000. My mom was used to this kind of talk, so it wasn't really that unordinary. She encouraged it, and frankly agreed with me. I also picked up some batteries and said, they're going to put built in battery chargers in these in 9 years.
So here it is folks, one more thing I said as a youngster is here. A Flying, hovering, SkyCar.

This one and only SkyCar (many, many will be made) uses Rotory engines (Wankel), and thrust vectoring to hover land and launch. It is capable of VTOL, Vertical Take Off and Landing (helicopter talk). In 1998, it cleared it's first step Globally for acceptance by introducing personal "pads" to take flight from. I would've written about this before, and who knows why I didn't, I just kind of thought, ok. It's a big deal though, and I'm in the mood to write it down.
The SkyCar can reach 350+ MPH, uses a redundant computer flight system which means it doesn't fly like a conventional aircraft, and currently gets 15 MP Gallon. The SkyCar also has a range of 900 Miles.
If you can imagine the industries this effects, cars will become less and less important. You've all seen the recent movies with hover cars, mile high cities, etc. It's just like the electric car replacing the gasoline car. Electric cars are already being phased in, and their technology is advancing rapidly.
You can understand the same for the SkyCar. It doesn't have to use gas as fuel, and can in turn use electricity. Alternative fuels are here to stay, and so are alternative methods of transportation. These will soon become normal. In most parts of Alaska, a twin prop and a snowmobile are your transportation, and that's normal.
On a similar note, Dean Kamen, inventor, fellow programmer and computer scientist, has his "What is IT" invention which will be unveiled this coming 2002. Check out Moller International about the SkyCar first, and don't forget to read my "What is IT?" articles...
Moller International, SkyCar
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