Jupiter Report on File Sharing
  07/21/2001 8:16:28 AM MDT Albuquerque, Nm
  By Dustin D. Brand; Owner AMO
Much of it is accurate though missing 1 key point, Internet Piracy is being fought with P5 Software.
The rise and fall of Shawn Fanning I've documented from the beginning. Illegal File Sharing has no legal future, plain and simple - black and white.
On the day of our P5 Software's release, Napster was shut down, and to this day remains shut down. Will Napster survive? No, and I clearly state the evidence rather than an opinion - seems I was right on though. Napster is and has always been known as an illegal music file trading service, transforming Napster into a legal service leaves Napster in the coffin as a new service is reborn which has no chance of survival against the already legal services start legal from scratch. I also clearly state and document the mounting debt that Napster needs to pay in order to remain open.
So, Jupiter Media Metrix, a company who studies and releases reports on use of the internet has released their recent Napster report. They have made 1 very clear statement on other file sharing services, they require a new way of Fighting Internet Piracy. This is P5 Software, which is starting with Gnutella.
Released Friday the 20th of July, Jupiter showed a sharp decline in Napster users, and a sharp increase in other file sharing software users. I documented this actually over the past 6 months, before Napster was shut down, and on July 2nd again documented this with the release of P5 Software in my P5 Software article.
The Jupiter Vice President and Senior Analyst Mark Mooradian stated, demonstrating the need for P5 Software..."This fragmentation of users across different song-swapping applications will only make record labels' attempts to litigate copyright infringements more difficult. With the splintering of market share it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to litigate against [copyright infringement] in the same way,"
I couldn't agree more that Internet Piracy needs to be fought in a new way, and P5 Software is the answer and is doing this now.
What I don't agree with are some of Jupiter MM's statistics regarding use of Napster by the numbers. The numbers regarding Napsters current use do not add up, there simply aren't that many people still using Napster (it's shut down - ahem).
While Jupiter says it will be difficult, if not impossible to litigate against copyright infringement in the same way, this isn't entirely true because P5 Software is very flexible and can be used to fight Internet Piracy in the traditional way, as well as a new way. Perhaps I'll have a chat with Mark over at Jupiter this week regarding P5 Software.
Related AMO Articles:
P5 Software Release Article
P5 Software Press Release
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